Probability of a data breach

As much as we read this type of the news, we should consider about the probability that we suffer this type of issues. A recent study of Ponemon Institute, “Ponemon Institute’s 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study“, was showing the following results: Probability of getting stuck by a lightning: 1 in 960.000. Probability of dating …

GDPR is coming. Are you ready?

The European Union will begin enforcement of its General Data Protection Regulation in just over a month,  on May 25. Are you ready? The thing is, you just never know when (and not if) a data breach could happen. One of the challenges that comes with GDPR is how do you keep the program going …

The Medical and Health Sector

The confidentiality of patient records forms part of the ancient Hippocratic oath and is central to the ethical tradition of medicine and healthcare.  Given the immense sensitivity of health-related information, it is imperative that professionals in this sector be clear about their use of personal data The Data Protection Commissioners website contains the current rules in …